Friday 26 July 2013

Ewww yuck!

Here's my favourite cockatoo pic at the moment. She really looks like she doesn't like the taste of marri seeds...tongue poking out, screwed up eye and holding the food away as though she can't stand being near it.

She is a very unusually marked young cockatoo too. Very prominent pale fringing to the feathers on her chest and very bold black stripes on her tail feathers. Quite an individual with personality.

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Pink L sighted again

I was excited to spot Pink L grubbing in a jarrah tree with Blue G's flock today. It was good to see her looking happy, healthy and reintegrating into a wild flock. She has been out and about for almost  five months now. The battery of her tracking device failed at the beginning of May so I haven't been able to check on her for a while now. Her tail colour is very faded but you can still see the aerial from her tracking device.

Monday 15 July 2013

A Tale of Two Cockatoos

Here is an animated video about Carnaby's and Baudin's cockatoos. It was devised by Gill Ainsworth, a PhD candidate who explored how the two species of cockatoo are valued differently by Australian society and why Carnaby's receives far more attention than Baudin's. Both species require urgent conservation efforts so the video is another way to help raise awareness of their plight.

To find out more about the video and Gill's research please visit A Tale of Two Cockatoos.